
How do you start Aikido? Easy – just come along to your nearest Dojo! Visitors are always welcome to come along and watch – just introduce yourself before the beginning of class or, if you come during a class, just make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show. When the class is finished someone will come over and say hi and answer any of your questions.

If you want to join in it might pay to get in touch first so we can give you some information to get you going. Generally on your first few sessions you should just bring a loose-fitting t-shirt or sweatshirt and track pants or long pants unless you already have a uniform – but due to the nature of training and excercise involved (stretching, moving, turning, sweating) we recommend loose fitting clothing to start with. Of course – if you already have a clean uniform (Do-gi) you can wear that.

A few important points to keep in mind:

  • we train in bare (clean) feet
  • all jewellery must be removed
  • wearing eye glasses is okay

Beginners Aikido Courses

If there is enough demand we run introduction courses designed for beginners to build confidence and understanding and to provide an awareness of the basics involved in Aikido – etiquette, footwork, break-falls and selected basic techniques. This will help promote a smooth transition for beginners into regular training classes.

These courses run from 6.45 to 8pm each night and are free to attend.

If you are interested in attending a beginners course please enroll or enquire here.

What to expect at training

First and foremost Aikido is a martial art and, as such, the more you advance the tougher the training will get. However – as a beginner we will go easy on you! There are many basic techniques to learn and understand as well as Dojo etiquette to master so when you start keep the following points in mind:

  • remember that you are learning a martial art
  • you are going to be doing something new, everyone is a beginner to start with
  • Dojo etiquette is very important and promotes a safer training environment
  • you will be doing regular exercise
  • you will develop discipline and conditioning from your regular training schedule
  • in the early stages of conditioning through training some muscular discomfort may be experienced
  • due to the nature of martial arts training, accidents may occur, please inform the Instructor if you experience an injury
  • training with a good spirit / energy and intentions is important
  • you will develop self confidence through regular training in Aikido
  • the Dojo is where you can enjoy training in a safe and friendly environment with like minded people.