
The Auckland Aikikai Yudansha-kai (Black Belt Organisation / Black Belt Group) is part of our Development Program aimed at:

  • Inspiring and promoting Aikido awareness amongst our membersip and the general public
  • Assiting to advance the development of Aikido training levels and understanding within the Dojo membership
  • Instilling, maintaining and retaining advanced understanding of Aikido techniques and Aikido values within the Yudansha-Kai.

What is the Yudansha-Kai:

  • Yudansha-kai is exclusive to all Auckland Aikikai Yudansha-Kai (Black Belts ) both active and non-active, past and present
  • All exisiting active members are expected to contribute to the Yudansha-Kai
  • Past and / or non-active Yudansha are encouraged to participate and can still offer support for our Dojo members
  • All Auckland Aikikai Yudansha (Black Belts) are registered, issued and recognised by Hombu Dojo, Tokyo Japan
  • All Auckland Aikikai Yudansha (Black Belts) are International Yudansha-Kai certified members.

Our Yudansha-Kai Development Program includes:

  • Advanced training seminar
  • Special Yudansha (Black Belts only) training session at Gasshuku
  • Annual dinner with the invited Gasshuku guest instructor
  • Hosting of Gasshuku guest instructor for a full days activities ie: sightseeing, fishing, golf etc
  • Mentoring of fellow students
  • Presentation to all new Yudansha with their first Black belt
  • Sponsorship on occasion new Yudansha with first new Hakama
  • Pro-activity in new Dojo promotions and inititives
  • Advancement of our Dojo membership
  • Hosting of guest Aikikai Yudansha at training both domestically and internationally
  • Sponsorship of special training session with invited instructors
  • Sponsorship of KIDS-Youth Special training session at Gasshuku.